Trans Family Archives began in 2018 as a collaboration between myself and two Boston-based non-profits, BAGLY (Boston Area Gay and Lesbian Youth) and The LGBT Aging Project, focused on LGBTQ programming for youth and elders respectively. We received a grant through The Boston Foundation to implement a series of free dinners over the course of a year. These dinners offered a powerful space for trans and non-binary people to identify and understand what keeps us generationally separate and collectively strategize ways to increase our contact and communication. We wanted to create a space for trans and gender non-conforming folks of all ages to witness each other in physical space, confront generational biases, and build trust in a non-clinical setting.
Trans Family Archives is ongoing. Please contact me at with any questions or interest in involvement!

2021, Flux Factory, Queens, NY

2020, Zoom Call

2019, Parallel Performance Space, Brooklyn, NY
we spores, digital sound recording, 00:02:47
A first incantation, this reading sparks a year-long audio archiving project which will document the work of Trans Family Archives as we record the generational experiences of trans and gnc folks in Boston and New York City, placing ourselves in a lineage, alongside the multitude of non-human trans lineages on earth. Thanks to Culture Push for supporting this important project!
we spores is written by me, and read by Kim Barnes, Tanner Slick, Dill Ma, me, Jack Pierson, Lenny Schnier, April Franklin.